Maxta Hyperconvergence Software Advantages
A platform agnostic architecture with application-centric management designed to optimize performance and capacity in the software-defined datacenter.
Platform Agnostic Architecture
Choose Your Hardware. Choose Your Hypervisor.

Software Only or Pre-Configured Servers
Use existing servers, buy pre-configured servers, or use a combination of both.

Choose Hypervisors or Containers
Run multiple commercially hardened hypervisors on a single platform in addition to containers.

No Vendor Lock-In
Mix and match server hardware, drives, hypervisors, and containers on a single platform, so you’re never locked-in

Single Point of Support
“One call solves it all” support resolution. Leverage your existing support model and eliminate finger-pointing between vendors.
Application-Centric Management
Optimized for Different Applications on Same Cluster.

Application Defined Performance Policies
Easily consolidate different applications on the same cluster and improve performance by 25%.

Application Defined Availability Policies
Control fault tolerance and availability levels on a per application basis, and reduce hardware requirements by defining availability resources per application.

Single UI for VM and Data Management
Manage storage and data resources directly from the hypervisor without the need for a separate storage console.

Cloud-Based Data Analytics
MxIQ provides real-time visibility into private cloud and multi-cloud environments to help eliminate issues before they occur and also provide valuable insights into key performance metrics.
Optimize Performance & Capacity
Scale Compute and Storage Separately and Reduce the Overall Storage Footprint.

Scale Compute & Storage Separately
Manage infrastructure growth and cost more effectively with the ability to add capacity to existing servers instead of adding complete appliances.

Capacity Optimization
Significantly reduce the storage footprint for virtual environments by 40 percent or more without impacting performance.

Zero-Copy Clones
Admins can instantly create space-efficient, performance-neutral copies of virtual machines for VDI, as well as test and development environments.
Data Resiliency
Designed to protect against outages, data loss and performance degradation.

Data Availability and Integrity
Automatically protect against outages, data loss and performance degradation when drives, nodes, networks, racks or even sites fail. Can tolerate up to two node failures in a cluster.

Zero-Copy Snapshots
Quickly create or restore snapshots without any additional storage overhead or any performance degradation.

Application Consistent Snapshots
Capture in-flight transactions and restore application to consistent state with no data loss.

Snapshot Policy Engine
Easily set application-defined policies for data retention on a per VM or a group of VMs basis.
Eliminate the hidden hyperconvergence refresh and upgrade tax, and avoid hypervisor and hardware lock-in!